How to get rid of mold in the refrigerator

Sometimes looking into the refrigerator in search of something edible, the nose catches a subtle nasty smell. Do not hope for a miracle, thinking that one of the products placed in it has deteriorated. Mold can be found in the nooks and crannies of the refrigerator, and if urgent measures are not taken, the health of the owners will be in danger.

How to get rid of mold in the refrigerator folk remedies

If mold has just settled, then folk remedies will quickly get rid of it:

  • laundry soap;
  • table vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Armed with a container of hot water and a sponge, with home cleaning products, you will quickly eliminate the fungus that has appeared. The main task is to detect possible foci. They can hide under the sealing gum of the door, under the drawers for storing food, in grooves for shelves, in the opening for condensate drainage.


  1. Unplug the appliance.
  2. Sort and discard expired products.
  3. Clean the refrigerator as much as possible: remove all shelves, drawers, fruit forms. Soak them in a sink or basin with hot, soapy water.
  4. Rinse the inside with a simple laundry soap, adding soda to the basin with hot water.
  5. If mold stains do not wash well, use a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to walk through them.
  6. Armed with a cotton swab, treat the hole with condensate to drain the condensate.

Then wipe the refrigerator dry with a clean towel, leave to air for several hours.

What to do if improvised means did not help

It happens that the household appliance stood all winter shut off in the country, and in the spring it turned out that it was completely covered with “moss” inside. In this case, be sure to stock up on a respirator mask, since inhaling stagnant air with mold fungi can provoke an allergy attack and seriously poison the body. Rinse the refrigerator with a solution of diluted ammonia in water. A respirator mask protects against the pungent smell of ammonia.

How to get rid of black mold in the refrigerator

Black Trace Removal Techniques

They work with black mold just like with any other, it differs only in color. If after cleaning the apparatus black traces still remain on its walls, they can be eliminated with a solution of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia. Mold of any color is dangerous to humans, as it contains toxic substances. To avoid its appearance, observe the hygiene of the refrigerator. Wash the refrigerator at least once a month.

If you notice excessive humidity on the inside of the refrigerator, put a small mold with soda in it, do not forget to change the container with soda from time to time. The powder has hygroscopic properties, eliminates excess moisture, prevents mold.

What to do if after cleaning in the refrigerator it still smells of mold

It also happens that the refrigerator is washed, but the smell remains. What to do in this case? Use the absorbing properties of activated carbon. Grind a few tablets, place a saucer with it on a shelf. It is noted that stale black bread is a good absorber of odors. Having laid it out on shelves, you can get rid of any extraneous odors in the refrigerator.

Wipes - odor absorbers are sold specifically for refrigerators in the distribution network. Affordable air ionizers. Small appliances, producing ozone, kill germs and eliminate any smell. They work on batteries.

How to handle mold cooler

To process the refrigerator from mold will help:

  1. Lemon or citric acid.
  2. Alcohol solution of ammonia (in a proportion of 1/5).
  3. Soapy soda solution.
  4. Borax solution.
  5. Tea tree oil.

Homemade Home Recipes to Help

Recipe number 1:

  1. Stir 100g of citric acid in powder in 1 liter of water.
  2. Wash the refrigerator with the resulting solution.
  3. Leave to dry for 10 hours.

Recipe number 2:

  1. Take 3 liters of hot water.
  2. Add a glass of borax.
  3. Process the refrigerator.
  4. Leave to air for a day.

Recipe number 3:

  1. Take a tablespoon of tea tree oil.
  2. Stir in a glass of warm water.
  3. Process the refrigerated cabinet with the resulting solution.
  4. Leave to dry for a day.

What store tools will help remove mold inside the appliance

In the hardware store, the seller will help you choose a special tool, give useful tips for use, and indicate precautions. By choosing a synthetic product: Sanox, Cif, Domestos, Comet, or Mr. Muscle, Do not forget to read the instructions. After removing mold, do not be too lazy to rinse the refrigerator with a solution of soda with laundry soap.

Non-standard techniques that help remove moldy deposits (copper sulfate, activated carbon).

Some sources indicate that copper sulfate or sachets with silica gel will help get rid of mold. These products are poisonous and not applicable in everyday life. They contain chemicals that are harmful to humans. Activated carbon does not eliminate plaque. It serves only as a good odor absorber.

What is dangerous mold in the refrigerator and why does it appear

The fungus appears where there are conditions suitable for it and moisture is necessarily present. For a long time they forgot some product on a shelf in the refrigerator, mold appeared on it. Her spores begin to settle on other products, the unit walls, in nooks - under the rubber band, in the drain hole.

Molds produce toxins that are harmful to human health. Poisoning by mold fumes can provoke an allergy attack, disrupt the kidneys, liver, and stomach.

Keep track of the expiration date of products, wash and ventilate your household appliance in a timely manner, and when leaving home for a long time, do not forget to turn it off, leaving the door open. The health of your family depends on the health of your refrigerator.

Watch the video: How to Clean a Moldy Refrigerator (June 2024).

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