Why the keyboard legs

The input device, or in a simple way, is the keyboard, the most important element of a computer that a person has to meet most often. Due to the fact that many users carry out full-fledged long-term work at the keyboard, manufacturers began to improve their devices, making them more comfortable. The most famous and useful improvement is the keyboard legs, the use of which few people know.

Why do on the keyboard legs: version

According to the manufacturers, there are several reasons for using the legs. The most common ones are:

  1. Comfort - during long work at the computer, a person is able to independently change the angle of inclination, thereby giving his hands a variety and proper rest.
  2. Eye contact - often due to the high brightness of the monitor, at night and without lighting, inexperienced users who do not have the ability to blindly print, squint and peer into the device, trying to find the key they need. Such actions greatly burden the eyes, spoil the eyesight, and also take a longer time. A higher angle of inclination allows you to avoid all this, because eye contact becomes more convenient.
  3. Individual characteristics - Each person has a special size of the hand, wrist and fingers, as a result of which the work behind the keyboard may become quite uncomfortable for some people. Changing the angle of inclination allows the user to find a more familiar and natural position of the hands.

Who needs to put the keyboard on the legs

Use the keyboard on the legs is desirable for all categories of people. It all depends on the individual preferences of the person. Someone will be more comfortable with a high angle, and someone at all in a horizontal position. However, it is considered that it is the horizontal position that is more natural for comfortable work of a person.

But changing the position of the device is still necessary for some people. First of all for those who are engaged in long printing. The angle of inclination allows you to change the blood flow, as well as change the position of the joints. Another category, which is more rare for those who need to use legs, is users who have vision problems and do not have a blind seal.

Important! Many professional gamers prefer to put the keyboard on the legs, since this position contributes to a more comfortable position, and also allows you to more accurately press the keys, which is very important in dynamic and fast games.

What can replace the legs

If the leg is broken, you can easily repair it, because there is a very simple mechanism. However, if you don’t have the right parts at hand, or do not allow skills, you can simply do with any stand: a book, a matchbox, or some other object with a smooth and even surface. The main rule is that both sides should be in the same position.

However, it will be much more efficient to repair it yourself. The stand will constantly interfere with or stumble during sudden movements with your hands. Most keyboards have the same fastening mechanism, because of which it can easily be removed from one device, and installed in another.

Watch the video: How to Fix Broken Keyboard Legs (April 2024).

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